Moonshot Moments

Ushering in the Next Human Renaissance
Through AI, Transhumanism, and Psychedelics

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"Moonshot Moments is not just a book — it is a blueprint for a better future. If I could assign one book for the world to read at this moment in time, it would be this one."

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Moonshot Moments

Ushering in the Next Human Renaissance Through AI, Transhumanism, and Psychedelics

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"Moonshot Moments is not just a book — it is a blueprint for a better future. If I could assign one book for the world to read at this moment in time, it would be this one."

Bobby Azarian, PhD
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Moonshot Moments and Humanity’s Next Renaissance

While humanity faces unprecedented ecological and social challenges, advances in technology and our understanding of the mind are creating the conditions for a global renaissance. Weaving together personal transformation through transhumanism with a call for global collaboration, author Milan Kordestani presents an inspiring roadmap to a brighter future.

Humanity stands at a crossroads. Technological development outpaces our confidence, with each innovation bringing both wonder and unease. We grapple with the fear of the unknown and the anxieties of a rapidly changing world. We wonder if new technologies will decimate our job market, increase inequality, or endanger our species. But what if the key to unlocking our full potential lies not in clinging to the familiar, but in embracing humanity’s potential for radical thinking?

Moonshot Moments is a marriage of science, philosophy, history, and futurism. Bestselling author Milan Kordestani chronicles his journey to thrilling and unforeseen frontiers in our understanding of consciousness, the self, and humanity’s cosmic destiny. His exploration moves beyond the growing anxiety over rapid AI development to offer a unifying, transhumanist vision for the future of humankind. Readers will discover how to organize their own mindsets and work toward a collaborative community that is fueled by innovation, building a society that will spark solutions to tomorrow’s challenges. Moonshot Moments is not just a glimpse into a brighter future, it's a blueprint for actively creating it.

10 Tools This Book Will Teach You

10 Tools This Book Will
Teach you

How to use self-reflection to address your own biases
How to see when unclear intent can be worse than ill intent when practicing discourse
How to embrace conflict in collaborative discussions to grow
How to grow trust and faith differently and when to depend on each
How to help others around you be more civil in their discourse
Ways to find common ground with any discussion partner
Lessons from Japanese philosophy to help with focus and patience
Tips for examining your own tone and adjusting for many speaking situations
Exercises for being a more active, attentive listener
Clues for avoiding poor discourse and disengaging from trolls
How to use self-reflection to address your own biases
Ways to find common ground with any discussion partner
How to see when unclear intent can be worse than ill intent when practicing discourse
Lessons from Japanese philosophy to help with focus and patience
How to embrace conflict in collaborative discussions to grow
Tips for examining your own tone and adjusting for many speaking situations
How to grow trust and faith differently and when to depend on each
Exercises for being a more active, attentive listener
How to help others around you be more civil in their discourse
Clues for avoiding poor discourse and disengaging from trolls

A curated reading list for anyone preparing for their moonshot moment.

Check out my favorite authors exploring the limits of transhumanism, ethics, artificial intelligence, psychedelics, cultural evolution, and the future of technology.

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What people are saying

"I'm Just Saying by Milan Kordestani is an essential guide for effective, smooth and successful communication in today's times. One of the book's best parts, in my opinion, is the one dealing with active listening. By "active listening" the author means truly listening and understanding the meaning behind the speaker's words and not just hearing the words that are being spoken. Milan Kordestani provides one with some useful strategies for practicing good listening skills. I find it really excellent that every chapter ends with a section of questions and answers that summarize its contents. This book will be the turning point for you if you sincerely want to become a better communicator. An outstanding read."

“I’m Just Saying: A Guide to Maintaining Civil Discourse in an Increasingly Divided World” offers valuable insights on how to engage in respectful conversations, even when opinions differ. The author’s writing is concise yet impactful, providing practical strategies for fostering understanding and empathy. By emphasizing the importance of active listening, open-mindedness, and empathy, the book equips readers with the tools to navigate challenging discussions constructively. The book is a must-read for anyone seeking to bridge and promote meaningful dialogue in today’s complex and divided landscape.”

“I didn’t expect for this book to make me laugh which it quickly proved wrong. There’s even a part on finding connection through humor discourse! I really connected with the section about lack of discourse in college(& how to encourage it!), studying our tone, practicing active listening and the human connection. I have social anxiety and this book was actually very helpful in making me want to go and have hard conversations with people. I like how this also examines where social media is coming into play.”

“I’m Just Saying” by Milan Kordestani hits close to home for me, as I spent a long time learning that there's a difference between a disagreement and an argument. I love that this book explains that you can disagree with someone and have an actual discussion without fighting. I don't think enough people understand this, and it is fracturing our world at a massive level.”

“This exceptional work invites readers to navigate discourse with grace, and in doing so, advocates for a more harmonious and united society. I learned with this book that discussing with others respectfully is not only a matter of politeness, but also a powerful tool for fostering understanding, building relationships, and driving positive change in personal, social, and professional contexts.”

"In a diverse and complex world like the one we are living in, these kinds of books are incredibly useful to have meaningful conversations with people who have different opinions and points of view than yours. I’m Just Saying by Milan Kordestani is truly a masterpiece. This guide is necessary and if you are leading a group of people, I recommend you to share this book with them."

“Kordestani's book is a comprehensive resource that navigates the challenges of dialogue in a society marked by divisions. Through historical contexts, personal anecdotes, and contemporary insights, the book presents practical strategies for engaging in productive conversations and avoiding misunderstandings. It emphasizes the importance of seeking common ground and fostering understanding, essential for bridging divides. By embracing the techniques outlined in the book, readers can enhance their communication skills and contribute to building a more cohesive and empathetic society.”

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Talking to the Blank page

I never realized writing a book would be such a long dialogue.

Maybe that’s because it’s my first, and I was naive. This book was over three years in the making, an evolving conversation between myself and the page. And a blank page is a terrible conversation partner.

During that time, the book constantly evolved, just as a conversation does. As I workshopped each chapter with friends, got each new set of edits from my team, or worked my way through the stoics one more time, my emphasis changed. Some chapters ballooned, others dissolved and were boxed for other projects. In the end, my wonderful editorial team and I went with our final statements, and words were made permanent in ink and pixels.

The end result, I’m Just Saying, is far more conversational than I ever expected. I became comfortable addressing common questions and describing my favorite strategies. That long conversation I had with the page made me better at discourse - precisely because practice makes perfect when it comes to improving our civil discourse skills!

And, in the end, that blank page was one of the best conversations I’ve had.

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